Prayer of Thanks and Aid

I call upon the great goddess of many names, many forms and many faces,

You who is of the earth, sea, and skies,

Starry mistress of the unseen world, who guides all lawgiver and law seekers.

Unconquerable goddess of the three worlds, merciful and terrible one,

To you who sits in judgment over all, feared and loved by God’s and men, we give thanks.

We cried out for justice and you heard our plea.

Now, is the silence of thanksgiving,

The whispers of the wronged carried in the winds,

The groans of the judged and the rattling of chains.

Oh Great Consoler, continue to lend us your love and compassion.

With your torches I ask you shepherded the souls who are now given justice,

Bring strength and comfort to those that worked to delivered them.

Heal the wounds of their body, heart and soul,

Ease their journey through life and guide them to those who will sooth them.

And when their time comes may they be reunited those who were gone too soon.

Great Light Bringer, I also ask that you bring illumination to the wrongdoers.

Burn away the fear and falsehoods, strip away the madness and mania.

May they know the truth and suffer no further delusions or illusions,

Be it in this life or the next.

Ox! Vulture! Bull! Kite! Dog! Wolf! Serpent! Horse! She-Goat! Snake! Lion! Fieldmouse! Deer! Multiform, virgin, torch, dagger, cords, oak garland, a herald’s wand, child, key:

I have said your signs and symbols of your name so that you might hear me, you, the Bringer of Truth and Light,

I pray to you, Mistress of the Whole World, the Mighty One.

Author: knotmagick

Weaving Magick and Crochet in the madhouse I call home. I am a devotee of Hekate and a follower of Pan.

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