
Modern Letter: H
Ruler of the 6th Lunar Month
13th May – 9th June

In divination Huath can indicate fertility in a very practical sense, but also general sense of increase and good health. The appearance of Huath is a good omen, which reminds us that our own mental and spiritual reserves bring us strength to whatever is to come. Huath can also suggest that it is time to look to our physical health in order to reach a resolution – a healthy body equals a healthy mind. Open your mindset so that any self-imposed ignorance is challenged, freeing your thoughts and mind so a solution can come through. All this requires strength of mind and heart, and where this strength exists it can be shared. Support others and find yourself supported and protected.

Huath – The Irish Ogham by Lunaria Gold


Common names: common hawthorn, hawthorn, May tree, one-seed hawthorn, whitethorn, quickthorn
Scientific name: Crataegus monogyna
Family: Rosaceae
Origin: native

A native of the British Isles, though now often hybridised, the Hawthorn is a denizen of the English hedgerow and woodland copes, where its fragrant May blooms announce the coming of summers warmth. Though happy in most soils it flowers and fruits best in full sun, with mature trees reaching a full growth of 15m either as a single massive tree with full dome or as a dense thorny mass, comprised of slender twigs covered in thorns.

In addition to their highly scented flowers Hawthorns produce bright red berries known as haws, which are an early and fulfilling food source for a number of species and foragers. You can distinguish hawthorns from black thorns based on the placement of the spines, which in the case of hawthorn emerge from the same point as the bud.

Hawthorn Tree – source


Planet: Mars and Venus
Element: Fire
Gender: Male and Female
Stone: Lapis lazuli, blue calcite
Birds: Blackbird, Owl
Color: Midnight blue, purple
Deity: Blodeuwedd, Olwen, Hera, Virgin Mary
Sabbat: Beltane, May Day

Magical Uses

Huath Huath Huath
Huuuu Ath Huuuu Ath
Hu Hu Huuu Ath
Huath Huath Huath

Suggested Galdur

If a young woman collected dew from the leaves of the Hawthorn on May Day morn and used to wash her face it was said her beauty and ability to attract a love match in the year ahead was increased.

On the other hand, a wash made by soaking fresh leaves and flowers could be used to protect the home from negative influences.

To help ‘fix’ an issue or resolve difficult situation take seven thorns from a Hawthorn and whisper your problem/s to each in turn. Wrap all the thorns in a single leave and bury the under the bush/tree along with an offering of thanks.

Wands made from hawthorn are best constructed whilst the wood is still green so it is easier to remove the bark.

Incense made from the dried flowers, berries, and leaves of the Hawthorn can be used to raise the spirit out of depression and protect against psychic harm. Charms made out of the wood of the tree can also be used to the same effect.

Mythology and Literature

A lone hawthorn growing atop of high hill is believed to be a portal to the realm of faery and strongly associated with the disappearance of mortals for seven years and a day. It should be no surprise therefore that the famous Glastonbury Tor, once crowned with a descendant of the Holy Thorn, was the hill associated with the legendary Avalon.

The original Holy Thorn was said to have miraculously sprouted when Joseph of Arimathea struck the ground with his staff. A number of descendants of this legendary tree exist, notably in Kew Gardens and in the grounds of Glastonbury Abby but the most direct descendant was believed to grow on the top of Tor until its destruction at the hands of vandals in 2000. Although a number of attempts were made to encourage the original tree to recover and even replant a sapling cultivated from a tree in Kew the tree was repeatedly vandalised.

Associated with a number of different deities, in particular with the Greek Goddess Persephone as the pale hawthorn flowers are a hopeful herald of her return. Other goddesses include the Roman Goddess Flora and the Celtic Goddesses Aine and Brighid. As part of traditional May Day celebration the Maypole, as a symbol of the male generative principle, is garlanded with hawthorn branches and flowers to unify it with the female generative principle.

The fair maiden who, the first of May,
Goes to the fields at the break of day
And washes in dew from the Hawthorn tree
Will ever after handsome be.

Neltje Blanchan Nature’s Garden 1900
The Hawthorne Tree. Arthur Rackham – 1922

Sources and Further Reading

Learn Religion – Ogham
Ogham Lyberty
Living Library
The Goddess Tree
Eco Enchantments
Tree Symbolism
Trees for Life
Woodland Trust

Author: knotmagick

Weaving Magick and Crochet in the madhouse I call home. I am a devotee of Hekate and a follower of Pan.

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