Waxing Moon

In the sky, the waxing moon shall rise
Glowing softly with enchanting light.
Darkness surrenders to silver beams
Mysteries unfold in the silent night.

Goddess of the moon, in her gentle sway
Guiding tides and mens souls by her grace.
Her crescent crown of renewal and hope
A symbol of growth and constant embrace.

That sliver of light, both a beacon of hope
And harbinger of change and of fate.
As she waxes once more in her celestial dance
She blesses all within her estate. 

So let us this night, honor her now 
And revel in her ethereal glow.
For in her eight phases, we find our own way
As we journey through life’s ebb and flow.

Image by Suanlian Tangpua from Pixabay

Author: knotmagick

Weaving Magick and Crochet in the madhouse I call home. I am a devotee of Hekate and a follower of Pan.

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