Theogony- Hymn to Hekate

Task – take a favourite piece of mythology and rewrite it for the modern reader.

As an act of devotion I chose to rewrite the Hymn to Hekate that appears in Hesiod’s Theogony, a peice I have always loved but found the flow… awkward. Of course this lead me to all sorts of interesting concepts and information but more on that later.

Hymn to Hekate

When luminous Phoebe rose up to meet with her husband Coetus she conceived two daughters. First came dark gowned Leto, mother of Apollo and Artemis, who was the kindest of her kin, gentle to men and god alike. Then came shining Asteria, wreathed in stars and nocturnal splendour.

It was to Asteria, taken to wife by dread Perses, that a single daughter who would be honoured above all of the deathless gods was born; Hekate.

Zeus, Lord of Olympus, did Hekate no disservice as the only child of her parents, nor was her birth right a hindrance given her loyalty and wisdom to him in times of war. For not only did he confirm her rightful portion of Earth and Heaven but he gave in gift to her a portion of the unfruitful sea also, and for as many as were born of the Earth and of Heaven she would have her due portion.

Even to this day, whenever man wishes to entice the gods with prayer and sacrifice in return for favour in this life they only need call upon Hekate and great honour will fall easily upon their brow. Even as the God’s receive these entreaties favourably she bestows wealth and power upon those who name her, granting them aid and advancing their cause amongst the deathless gods.

To those who navigate the grey and crashing seas for reasons of business and pray to her, the loud and terrible Earth-Shaker, the goddess brings them great wealth in silver scales. Ever generous but beware, for as easily as she bestows this wealth she will take it away again if she so wills it. So too, stood in the byre and field with Hermes, she gentles and guides both herd and flock, bringing increase to the few and culling the many.

But it is not just the men of town and field upon whom she bestows wisdom, wealth and favour for she sits in the company of worshipful kings and amongst the wise assembly. As she did for the son of Cronus, she whispers in the ears of the wise so that she may aid them in their judgement.

And those men who arm themselves to destroy other men do well to call her name, for the Goddess is at hand to give victory and glory to those she finds favour with. This is not only in matters of war however and any who participate in games and feats of strength or skill of horse to the honour of their parents will also find her smile turned to them when they sing her name. For the son of Cronos set her the task be being a nurse to the young born thereafter into the light of this world.

So, then, this goddess alone is honoured above all others, even amongst the deathless gods, and she is not made less by her solitary state for these are all her honours.

© Vicky Newton 2018

At The Crossroads – Ben Long Fresco

Author: knotmagick

Weaving Magick and Crochet in the madhouse I call home. I am a devotee of Hekate and a follower of Pan.

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