Full Moon in Taurus

Sun Sign – Scorpio – October 24 – November 22
Element- Earth
Colour – Green, Pink, Rose, Mauve
Insense – Benzoin, mint, thyme, violet, mugwort, vervain.

Spell /Ritual Themes

  • Prosperity,
  • Self-esteem,
  • Love,
  • Fertility,
  • Patience,
  • Commitment

Family Abundance Spell Jar

The are many elements to make a happy home; everyone needs to be happy, healthy and in harmony with each other. Each member needs their individual daily lives protected and eased and I also feel it would be disingenuous to not acknowledge that being financial solvent plays a part in this. This spell jar is part protection spell, part money drawing spell and whilst it good practice to keep things to a single topic the Full Moon in Taurus lends itself to both foci so well I thing we can get away with it on this occasion.

You will need

  • Apple Seeds
  • Basil
  • Thyme
  • Fennel
  • Bay Leaf
  • Rose Petals
  • Garlic Flakes (or powder)
  • Sesame Seeds
  • 9 Shiny Coins
  • A bowl for mixing
  • A spell jar

A note on measures – the amount of dry ingredients you will require will depend on the size of your jar and how much it will take to fill. I suggest erring on the side of caution and always making too much, the dry mix contains all the constituent influences for the spell with or without a coin. The dry mix can be used in other forms such as a spell pouch to carry on your person or to be mixed with salt and displayed in the home / on your altar.

Mix all the herbs and spices with your dominant hand projecting energy as you stir it clockwise. Your focus should be on a happy home with individual family members pictures as being in the beat of health and without a care in the world. Picture everyone as individuals and then together working as a family unit. Project this images into the mixture as you stir the energies upwards.

You may also want to say a few words. I decided to draw on the individual purposes of the herbs used to invoke the qualities I want the herbs to bring to the spell.

One ounce weight of fruitful seed, a dash of Opener of Ways; work together to guide this house every single day.
Lovers rain and evils bane protect with gentle kisses; a herb to stand against all foes and one to carry wishes.
With King of Herbs and Fairies Friend this spell is nearly done; a family protected, a family strong, with this spell we are one.

Set the herbs to one side and take up the nine coins. Continue your visualisation as you hold them and consider saying this or similar;

(Place and cover three coins)
Nine times nine this spell begun, nine times nine with monies won.
(Place and cover three coins)
Nine times nine the herbs and seed, nine times nine this spell I weave.
(Place and cover three coins)
Nine times nine this spell is said, nine times nine this spell is set.

Author: knotmagick

Weaving Magick and Crochet in the madhouse I call home. I am a devotee of Hekate and a follower of Pan.

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