Woodland Blanket Part 2

As the good General said – let’s get down to business. As you can see the first 18 colour changes of my woodland blanket are laid in and looking yummy. I’m really glad I had a practice of Lucy’s neat ripple pattern ahead of Woodland to get me in the mindset for half repeats at either end of the row and that I would need to count carefully to avoid mistakes. In some ways woodland is easier than neat ripple because it swaps between 2dc clusters and skip 1 for the fans, creating opportunity to pause and count before moving on.

Week One Complete

Week two is here and the colours are lovely again. I managed to complete week one by Sunday night but this weekend has already been busier than anticipated, and I saved time last week by not swatching. I suspect it will take me a lot longer this week.


It’s been really cold this past week and my nesting urge has been strong. The upside of making blankets is that you can cover yourself as you work. The downside is that it takes time for them to grow big enough to be useful. At the moment I am snuggling with a hottie under a stash buster blanket whilst I work, hot drink close to hand.

I like my magic the same was as I like my coffee, black as midnight.

One ‘person’ I have been snuggling down with is Woody – the asthmatics answer to a crochet buddy. I get so jealous of people posting photos of their babies, cats, dogs and other exotic pets, that I decided I was having a Woodland CAL mascot. I was aided and abetted in this by Lidl stocking their woodland piglet in my local store in the run up to Christmas. I’d seen him in previous years and always talked myself out of buying him but this year I was not going to be denied.

This is a scrapghan I made a couple of years ago from lots of little left over scraps of yarn using the Granny Hexagon modular method

Woody has been on some adventures too in the time he’s been living with us. He’s already had two seams repairs after excessive cuddles from my youngest resulted in spits and he seems to thinks he’s a mountain goat and likes to climb high places… either that or my husband finds it funny to put him in places I can’t reach.





Author: knotmagick

Weaving Magick and Crochet in the madhouse I call home. I am a devotee of Hekate and a follower of Pan.

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