Acts Under The Moon


Reach for the moon

Charging by the Moon

Charging ritual tools, spells ingredients, crystals etc by the light of one of our luminaries is often the simplest and most effective way to infuse them with energy. The benefit of the light of the moon is that it can be used even on the more friable material where the sun would cause fading and damage. The moon is also very cleansing and similarly will not do damage to items which may be damaged or destroyed by salt water. This also means that the object can be cleansed and charged in a single operation.

This is a passive process where the items are left out overnight in a position where they will be in the direct light of the moon for as long as possible. This can become a more active process through invocation and ritual or the act of washing objects in moon water before setting then to dry by moon light.


Moon Water

Moon Water is simply water which has been gathered and blessed by the light of the moon. As with charging by the light of the moon this might be a passive process, such as leaving a bowl of water out under the light of the moon for a full night, or an active process.

To create actively blessed moon water set the bowl out as described above and then invoke the presence of the Goddess with these words or similar

“O Lady of the Moon so bright

I pray you visit me this night

To bless this water so it may be

A tool the consecrate all to thee

I pray you, O Lady Moon

Grant to me this kindly boon.”

For added emphasis as you speak the words of the invocation point with your dominant hand to the moon and draw energy from that great source into the tip of your finger, seeing it glow there as a ball of white energy. As you speak/finish drawn your hand down to point at the bowl and allow the gathered energy to be transferred into the water, glowing with the moon’s energy.

Once you have your blessed water there are a number of things you can do with it. You might wish to drink the water (see note at end of this post) or you may choose to incorporate it into a wash either for you or for cleansing your tools and ritual objects. You may also want to incorporate it into a room mist or spay, in which case you may want to passively bless the water for three nights whilst at the same time infusing flowers and plants associated with the moon into the water. During the creation of the spray choose essential oils which are associated with the Moon as well.


Moon Divination

This divination is a form of scrying using both water and the light of the moon. In your ritual setting place a bowl of water before you in a position which allows you to see the moon reflected in the surface of the water.

Relax and clear you mind as you look up at the moon. Invoke the Goddess or energy of the moon with simple words such as ;

“O Lady of the Moon so bright

I pray you visit me this night

Guide my heart and guide my mind

To the truths I seek to find

Come to me and guide my sight

O glowing Lady of the Night”

Refocus your gaze on the surface of the water and allow yourself to be open to messages. This may appear in the water as images, movement of the surface, changes in the appearance of the moon or even just stray thoughts. Make a note of anything that occurs but do not dwell on them. Once your scrying session has come to an end make a note of all you remember and after your ritual analyses their meaning.

Remember to thank any spirit of deity to call upon in preparation of the scrying session.

Some people consider water used for this purpose as having become blessed and appropriate for later magical use. Please refer to the section on Moon Water for ideas of uses.

Drawing Down

Solitary Drawing Down the Moon

Drawing Down the Moon is both and ancient and a modern practice associated with Witches. The practice is associated with the Witches of Thessaly who were believed to derive their power and abilities from their communication with the moon.

“If I command the moon, it will come down; and if I wish to withhold the day, night will linger over my head; and again, if I wish to embark on the sea, I need no ship, and if I wish to fly through the air, I am free from my weight.”(Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds: A Sourcebook By Daniel Ogden Page 238)

A more modern interpretation is the coven base practice where the spirit of the Goddess is drawn down into the body of a Priestess as a form of oracular work. This practice, however, requires more than one participant and does not sit well with in a solitary setting so how does a solitary practitioner engage in such practices?

The process lies somewhere between the two examples. It is possible for the solitary to invoke within the space and themselves lunar and Goddess energies, which can then be used to influence their magical working, and create a state which leaves one open to messages from the Goddess as well.

In your prepared working space, turn to ideally face so that you are able to see the moon if this is not possible due to weather or being in doors try to face its general direction and have an image of the moon before you.

Invoke the energy of the moon with a hymn of poem which praises her such as the Orphic Hymn to Selene;

Hear, goddess queen (thea basileia), diffusing silver light, bull-horned, and wandering through the gloom of night. With stars surrounded, and with circuit wide night’s torch extending, through the heavens you ride: female and male, with silvery rays you shine, and now full-orbed, now tending to decline. Mother of ages, fruit-producing Moon, whose amber orb makes night’s reflected noon: lover of horses, splendid queen of night, all-seeing power, bedecked with starry light, lover of vigilance, the foe of strife, in peace rejoicing, and a prudent life: fair lamp of night, its ornament and friend, who givest to nature’s works their destined end. Queen of the stars, all-wise Goddess, hail! Decked with a graceful robe and amble veil. Come, blessed Goddess, prudent, starry, bright, come, moony-lamp, with chaste and splendid light, shine on these sacred rites with prosperous rays, and pleased accept thy suppliants’ mystic praise.

Orphic Hymn 9 to Selene – Thomas Taylor Translation

Stand in meditative contemplation practising a 4-4-4 breathing pattern. Your mind should be clear and your body relaxed but not so much you fall down.

When you feel the presence of the moon raise your hands above your head and invoke the Goddess again, for example picking one short phrase from your opening hymn to repeat three times such as…

“Queen of the Stars, all wise Goddess – Hail”

Return to your meditative breathing but this time concentrating on the moon (or its image. Visualise yourself being imbued by the energy of the moon. Welcome it in silence and open your heart an mind to any spiritual message that the Goddess may send.

As you feel the communication come to an end move on in your ritual to any form of magical spell work, imbued with the energy of the Goddess, any working undertaken after this practice will be greatly enhanced by her energy and influence.


Water can harbour botulism spoors, particular if taken from a natural water source.

Botulism can be spread in several ways. The bacterial spores which cause it are common in both soil and water. They produce the botulinum toxin when exposed to low oxygen levels and certain temperatures.

Although it is unlikely, I would be remiss not to point out the risk in this. Any reference to created waters in this post should be considered for external use only. It may be appropriate to drink the water on the first evening of creation, after which the waters should be used as an external preparation.

Blue Moon

You’ve probably heard the term “once in a blue moon” but what exactly is a blue moon?

It doesn’t really have anything to do with the colour of the moon itself thankfully.

Whilst it is possible for the moon to take on a blueish hue due to particulates in the upper atmosphere. You don’t want to see this for yourself as it would mean that there had been a significant natural disaster, such as following the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. The phenomenon of a blue tinged moon was noted in newspapers across the world for months after the eruption occured and we know what kind of chaos volcano cause on modern life after the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull….

Let’s not start wishing for that one, okay?

The more common usage is in relation to the second full moon occuring in a single calendar month, however this is really a modern innovation based on a misinterpretation on the original meaning of the term.

Seasonal Blue Moons

It is rare, hence the term, but because of the difference between the solar and lunar calendar there are occasionally 13 full moons within the calendar year. Which this happens the full moons cannot be broken evenly three across the four seasons, and by extension between the equinoxes and solstices. This will thus throw any system which uses names to identify the full moons into chaos.

The August 1937 issue of the Maine Farmer’s Almanac, provides a detailed explanation, and an example of this concept in action. The Blue Moon, it says, “usually comes full 12 times in a year, three times for each season. Occasionally, however, there will come a year when there are 13 full moons during a year, not the usual 12. And that extra full moon also meant that one of the four seasons would contain four full moons instead of the usual three.”

The Maine Farmer’s Almanac used a particular set of moon names which had to occur at set times due to their relationship to the Christian Calendar. For example, the last full moon of winter was the Lenten Moon and had to occur in during Lent whilst the first full moon of spring was the Egg Moon and had to fall within a week before Easter. Similarly the winter moons of “Before Yule” and “After Yule” had to occur in their proper place either side of the winter solstice/Christmas so could not be knocked out by an extra full moon in the season. The answer, as outlined in the quote above, was to insert the blue moon in to the third of the four seasonal moons, allowing the last moon of the season passing and the first of the one coming to occur in proper order.

One source suggested that the term “blue” was a corruption of the word “betrayer” because the moon basically betrays the entire system. Although a source wasn’t immediately avalible for confirmation I’m including it here because I think it fits quite well.

So which version is the “right” one from our perspective? Well both are equally valid but the one you will use/refer to will depend on whether or not you time your moons according to astrological association or seasonal movements, otherwise you are mixing systems and that never ends well.

I started this blog post series by trying to link seasonal names with the starsign which full moon occured in and I very quickly fell out of synch and got myself confused. It was easier to remove the seasonal names and devote and entire post to the subject itself whilst still dedicating a separate post to the blue moon.

Magical Associations

Many witches believe that magic worked on the blue moon in general will be doubly effective given their relative rarity. Drawing on the old saw of “once in a blue moon” many also feel they can be best used to manifest things and outcomes which might not ordinarily occur. I think this ability to effect unanticipated change through infrequency varies depending on how you are defining the blue moon.

2nd Moon in the Month

These are the most common of the two types so magically I don’t see them as magically effective in the “manifesting the unexpected” department. Quite often these moons are occuring in a unique star sign and I would recommend planning your magical working around those associations. If the moon occurs in the last few degrees of the same star sign as the previous month then perhaps the influence of probability kicks in but generally this 2nd moon in the calendar month is just a/n other full moon in a given star sign.

Seasonal Full Moon

Magically the seasonal blue moon is the equivalent to a wild card. They occur far less frequently that the calendar month variety and your magical working need not be constrained by seasonal associations so anything the needs doing can occur.

Source (plus embedded links)

Full Moon Traditional Names

The names of the full moons charity and come from many sources. Most reflect Native American tribal traditions and have been relayed to us through Farmers Almanacs produced in the United States. In the United Kingdom Almanacs were also produced, which is part of the reason that we find apparently Anglo-Saxon and Christian influences appearing.

Farmers Almanacs were part farming calendars, part predictive forecast of the year ahead in the same sense we can pick up books forecasting our astrological signs year for 2020 from book stores. Many of the names reflect seasonal events, or confirm the best time to undertake seasonal preparation, and would have been surrounded by weather forecasts as well as information on fortunate / unfortunate daya and make claims about the fate and fortune of notable people in the country in which they were written. In the case of this latter information the authors accuracy could propel them to fame and fortune in the eyes of higher levels of society. A lack of accuracy could have the opposite consequences.

Now a days Farmers Almanacs are less sensational in this regard, but they are still peppered with folklore and good advice be they focused towards a magical or mundane reader. The most prominent aspect carried forward into the pagan community is the naming of the moon, and the association of each moon with a magical focus based on that name. Sometimes these foci overlap with the astrological associations of the moon but the nature of the lunar and steller cycles means that these associations do not always directly overlap. Timing magic by magical name as opposed to astrological sign is just simply another way to time things; each has their own context and are equally valid within them.

January – Wolf Moon

Other names: Moon After Yule, Old Moon, Ice Moon, and Snow Moon.

This moon is appropriate for magical works for initiatig new beginnings, personal issues, personal protection, setting goals, revealing hidden agendas, spell reversal.

February – Snow Moon

Other names: Hunger Moon, Storm Moon and Chaste Moon.

This moon is appropriate for magical works for purification, healing, forgiveness, self love, personal growth, personal responsibility, self forgiveness, new plans.

March – Chaste Moon

Other names: Crow Moon, Crust Moon, Sap Moon, Sugar Moon, Worm Moon, Lenten Moon.

This moon is appropriate for magical works for prosperity, new financial ventures, exploration, balance, truth, honesty, finding clarity.

April – Pink Moon

Other names: Sprouting Grass Moon, Fish Moon, Hare Moon, Egg Moon, Paschal Moon.

This moon is appropriate for magical works for creativity, balance, change, confidence, opportunities, emotions and productivity.

May – Flower Moon

Other names: Corn Planting Moon, Milk Moon.
This moon is appropriate for magical works for creativity, intuition, connecting with trees and plants, psychic work, building spirit connections.

June – Strawberry Moon

Other names: Hot Moon, Mead Moon, Rose Moon.
This moon is appropriate for magical works for protection, strength, decisions, personal responsibility, personal issues, inner power.

July – Buck Moon

Other names: Thunder Moon, Wort Moon, Hay Moon.
This moon is appropriate for magical works for success, new plans, reaching your goals, dreams, divination, spiritual work.

August – Sturgeon Moon

Other names: Green Corn Moon, Barley Moon, Fruit Moon, Grain Moon.
This moon is appropriate for magical works for being projects to fruition, appreciation, health, good friendships, abundance.

September / October – Harvest Moon

Technically, the Harvest Moon is the Full Moon closest to the Autumn Equinox . Most years it is in September, but around every three years, it is in October. The Harvest Moon is the only Full Moon name which is determined by the equinox rather than a month.

September – Corn Moon

Other names: Corn Moon, Full Corn Moon, Barley Moon.
This moon is appropriate for magical works for finding peace and balance, personal cleansing (mental, spiritual and physical).

October – Hunter’s Moon

Other names: Dying Grass Moon, Blood Moon, Sanguine Moon. However, this should not be confused with a Total Lunar Eclipse – Blood Moon.
This moon is appropriate for magical works for divination, spirit contact, death and rebirth, justice, balance, harmony, moving on, cord cutting.

November – Beaver Moon

Other names: Frosty Moon, Oak Moon, Mourning Moon.
This moon is appropriate for magical works for personal development and transformation, strength, communication with the divine.

December – Cold Moon

Other names: Moon Before Yule, Wolf Moon.
This moon is appropriate for magical works for death and rebirth, balance, spiritual matters, family, friendships, relationships, shadow work and personal issues.

Full Moon in Gemini

Sun Sign – Sagittarius
Element- Air
Colour – Blue, Violet
Insense – Lavender, Rosemary, Sage, Lemongrass, Marjoram

Spell /Ritual Themes


Honey Sweet Relationship Jar

This spell can be used to sweeten any relationship but during full moon in Gemini

  • Small glass jar with metal top
  • Honey
  • White Candle
  • Piece of wax paper
  • A pen
  • A teaspoon

Fill your little glass jar almost to the top with honey.

Write the full name of the person who you want an improved relationship with three times on a piece of wax paper.

Turn the paper 90° clockwise and write your full name over the other person’s name. It is important that your name goes on top!

Fold the paper towards you three time saying this or something similar;

“Just as this paper comes towards me so (Person’s name) is drawn toward me.”

Take a spoonful of honey out of the jar and eat it, thinking about how much sweeter the relationship can be. Say this, or something similar;

“Like this honey is sweet to me so (person’s name) will become sweet to me.”

Now use the spoon to push the folded paper into the honey and seal up the jar.

Take your candle and anoint it with sweet essential oil like Orange or Pettigrain by spiralling from the bottom up in a clockwise direction.

Witchy tips

Before you put the lid on push a thumb tac through the lid from the underside to give you a secure place to put your candle.

Place the candle on the top of the lid and light it saying this or similar

“Just as this candle is bright and warm so (person’s name) is now warm towards me.”

Allow the candle to burn completely down and set the jar aside in a safe place. If you are planning to perform this on more than one person make sure to lable up the jar.

The spell is now set, if you feel things are not progressing as fast as you would like, or the situation seems to back slide, take out the jar and give it a gentle shake before adding a new candle to be burnt down. As you shake the jar repeat the words of your spell as originally performed or summarise the intent; for example

“(Person’s name) is drawn to me, is sweet to me, is warm to me.”

Disposing of the Spell

If the focus of the jar is no longer around for whatever reason, or you feel that the jar has done sufficient work that you can maintain the positive relationship yourself the I recommend dismantling the spell jar. Simply remove the lid and pour out the honey onto the ground and allow it to return to the earth and put the wax paper in the general waste as it will not biodegrade. I would suggest that you do this somewhere discreet and not too close to home as the sweet honey will attract ants and other critters.

Some instructions for this kind of jar will tell you to bury the jar in the ground or similar. I personally do not like the idea of disposing of this kind of spell jar in nature intact. If you do not want to dismantle but equally want to dispose of it then throw it straight in the general waste. It’s not ideal but it is better for the local environment.

Full Moon in Taurus

Sun Sign – Scorpio – October 24 – November 22
Element- Earth
Colour – Green, Pink, Rose, Mauve
Insense – Benzoin, mint, thyme, violet, mugwort, vervain.

Spell /Ritual Themes

  • Prosperity,
  • Self-esteem,
  • Love,
  • Fertility,
  • Patience,
  • Commitment

Family Abundance Spell Jar

The are many elements to make a happy home; everyone needs to be happy, healthy and in harmony with each other. Each member needs their individual daily lives protected and eased and I also feel it would be disingenuous to not acknowledge that being financial solvent plays a part in this. This spell jar is part protection spell, part money drawing spell and whilst it good practice to keep things to a single topic the Full Moon in Taurus lends itself to both foci so well I thing we can get away with it on this occasion.

You will need

  • Apple Seeds
  • Basil
  • Thyme
  • Fennel
  • Bay Leaf
  • Rose Petals
  • Garlic Flakes (or powder)
  • Sesame Seeds
  • 9 Shiny Coins
  • A bowl for mixing
  • A spell jar

A note on measures – the amount of dry ingredients you will require will depend on the size of your jar and how much it will take to fill. I suggest erring on the side of caution and always making too much, the dry mix contains all the constituent influences for the spell with or without a coin. The dry mix can be used in other forms such as a spell pouch to carry on your person or to be mixed with salt and displayed in the home / on your altar.

Mix all the herbs and spices with your dominant hand projecting energy as you stir it clockwise. Your focus should be on a happy home with individual family members pictures as being in the beat of health and without a care in the world. Picture everyone as individuals and then together working as a family unit. Project this images into the mixture as you stir the energies upwards.

You may also want to say a few words. I decided to draw on the individual purposes of the herbs used to invoke the qualities I want the herbs to bring to the spell.

One ounce weight of fruitful seed, a dash of Opener of Ways; work together to guide this house every single day.
Lovers rain and evils bane protect with gentle kisses; a herb to stand against all foes and one to carry wishes.
With King of Herbs and Fairies Friend this spell is nearly done; a family protected, a family strong, with this spell we are one.

Set the herbs to one side and take up the nine coins. Continue your visualisation as you hold them and consider saying this or similar;

(Place and cover three coins)
Nine times nine this spell begun, nine times nine with monies won.
(Place and cover three coins)
Nine times nine the herbs and seed, nine times nine this spell I weave.
(Place and cover three coins)
Nine times nine this spell is said, nine times nine this spell is set.

Full Moon in Pisces

Sun Sign – Virgo
Element- Water
Colour – sea green/blue
Incense – Sage, lemon balm, lemon, elder, borage

Spell /Ritual Theme

  • Psychic abilities / development
  • Self Reflection
  • Emotional / Spiritual Balance
  • Peace

Go With The Flow Spell / Visualisation

  • Blue candle
  • Image of flowing water (optional)
  • Background music / running water ambiance – ideally have a timer / recall point on the soundtrack so you know when to return in case you go off script.
  • Blue Candle
  • Ametrine (balance stone) cleansed and ready for sharing

Set up your space so it is cool and temperate. There will be a period of meditation so ensure you you will be comfortable and undisturbed.

Place your image of running water in the centre of your altar with the blue candle in front of it. This image is option but as you will be visiting a place of running water in your journey it might be helpful to have something to on hand as an aid memoir.

Light your blue candle and with a piece of ametrine in hand begin a process of centring yourself. You may want to make an intention setting statement before beginning to further align your mind to the purpose of the meditation. For the purpose of writing this I am going to assume it is a place in nature.

I’m going to assume you have a personal practice for preparing for meditation, if so do so now. If not a simple beginning will be to consciously slow your breathing and allow your eyes to slowly close. Visualise a doorway in front of you and when you are ready to enter the meditation open the doorway, enter through it and close the door behind you.

Find yourself on a woodland pathway and take note of all the sounds around you, any birds or animal noises, the wind moving gently around you. You should already begin to feel yourself relaxing.

In the distance you can hear water running and are drawn down the pathway to to the sound. After a short distance you find yourself stood in the most beautiful natural setting, which matches the image on your altar. Take a note of the sights and sounds around you, allow the water to sooth you. Spend a few moments staring into the water, making a note of anything you might see as you gaze into it. Enter the water if you feel drawn to do so, allow the cool waters to cleanse you of any worries or cares. If the water isn’t deep enough to get in scoop some into your hands and take a cooling drink.

Spend at least 5mins communicating with this place of calm beauty, drinking in the sounds and calm of the water. At some point you will recall that you are holding the price of ametrine in your hand. Fully immerse it in the flowing water, cleansing it and filling it will calming energies.

Once ready, return along the path and exit the meditation in your usual way. If you entered by a doorway remember to exit by it, closing the door behind you.

Return to your room and altar space with a sense of calm and balance. The ametrine in your hand may feel cool in your hand but it should radiate a sense of peace and remind you of your place of beauty. Keep it with you and if you need a dose of the calm from the meditation take it out and connect with it’s energy at a later date. Stones charged in this way will need regular charging, and meditations like this can be performed at anytime but for the best results begin the energisation process during the Piscean full moon.

I am not a world class meditation writer so if you want something a little more detailed you might want to consider this meditation and adapting it to the themes of inner peace and calm.

Full Moon in Aquarius

Apologies for the spelling and formatting, I am still without the laptop but the moon hangs low and pregnant in the sky…

Sun Sign – Leo
Element- Air
Colour – bright blue
Insense – Eucalyptus, rosemary, fennel, pine, fenugreek, violet, valerian.

Spell /Ritual Themes
– Friendship
– Politics
– Social Justice
– Developing talents
– Problem-solving
– Breaking bad habits

Social Justice Warrior Spells
Although I’ve talked about social justice before I have avoided posting spells because there are a couple of powerful and effective group spells which people can tap into. The Trump Binding Spell and Hands Off Laws Off spell, both by Michael M Hughs, are widely available and brilliant for tackling those larger issues and can be adapted to represent other politicians (I suggest an inverted Fool card for Boris Johnson btw). These are, however, finely tuned into American politics and women rights issues and might not relate to your own interests or concerns well. This spell is more generalised but easily coordinated across a larger group for any issue or concern.

Social Justice Empowerment Spell

You will need

  • A Candle
  • Anointing Oil
  • Peppermint Out sigil, logo or other image representing your cause of choice
  • Anything necessary for raising energy (music, space etc)

Lay out your components and establish your sacred space to allow you to raise and contain energy during this spell.

Place the anointed candle in front of or on the sigil/logo/image and light it saying.

I honour the mistakes we have made as a society, and I give thanks for the people and organisations which show us that light still remains and stand for an improving world.

I honour my power as a witch, and as a human being, to make a difference. I give thanks for the opportunity to make this difference and ((to the God/Goddess/Gods/Spirits/ Universe)) for the chance to be a faithful channel for the gifts that are given me.

Now begin to raise energy. This might be through meditation, dance, swearing or even primal screaming if you feel it’s appropriate. Your connection with the issue/cause is a personal one and there are lots of ways to raise energy but ensure you visualise it as a tangible and gathering force and be sure to visualise the energy going forth and bringing about positive and needed change in the world. When the energy reaches its peak direct it into the sigil/logo/image in a rush as a seal in with a dab of peppermint oil and the affirmation;

It is an energetic priority for me to help our society move in a positive direction.

Allow the candle to burn down and place any wax remains and the sigil/logo into a manifesting box/location of your choice.

Full Moon in Capricorn

I am a little out of order with my postings after my midweek post on Hekate and being uber keen on posting my basic spell pouch crochet pattern and somehow managed to forget all about my full moon post. I suppose its better late than never.

Full Moon in Capricorn

Sun Sign – Cancer
Element– Earth
Colour – dark green, dark blue, indigo
Insense – Myrrh, rosemary, chamomile, mullein, patchouli, marjoram.

Spell /Ritual Themes

  • Career
  • Promotion
  • Planning
  • Restructuring
  • Success

Road Unblocking Spell for Most Purposes

  • Citrus fruit *
  • White Candle (or colour to match your purpose)
  • Incense to your purpose
  • Petition on paper
  • Fire proof bowl and incense (frankincense or appropriate to purpose)

* minimum of four fruits, to be juiced and added to water as a wash. If you are having a bath you will conversely need more fruit. You can use any citrus fruit but try to weight the fruit toward the lemon and lime side as the sharper scents and tastes will ‘wake up’ your energies.

Citrus Fruit

Gather your spell items and set them out, already having written out your petition as a statement or as a sigil. It should represent either a situation which has become blocked or a particular block that needs removing.

Mix the citrus juice and water, stirring in a clockwise direction to activate and open the situation. Include a visualisation of your situation easing and/or the blockage being removed. Now either bathe filly or wash in the water making sure to wash your hands, feet and face. Allow your skin to air dry whilst you perform the rest of the spell – if you are very sticky wash off at the end otherwise try and leave it for as long as possible.

Anoint your candle with an oil appropriate to your purpose. Road Opening or Command and Conquer oil are the most commonly used but you may want to be specific to your situation. You can make a basic Road Opening oil by infusing a base oil with allspice, liquorice root and peppermint essential oil.

Light your incense and candle, invoking either deity or personal power, for example

I call on Hekate of the Crossroads, Mistress of Keys and Guardian of Gateways. Hear my petition and grant me guidance and aid in my time of need.

State petition as written on paper or explain the situation in simple terms.

Here I stand, at the crossroads of life, and all ways are closed to me but it will open at my command. All that hinders and harms my cause, before. All that serves me not, depart. By my word and deed the way is clear. Come to me o Keeper of Mysteries and reveal to me the way.


Here I stand, at the crossroads of life, and all the ways are closed to me.

State petition as written on paper or explain it in simple terms.

The road is closed, but it will open at my command. All that hinders and harms my cause, before. All that serves me not, depart. By my word and deed the way is clear.

Regardless of the invocation fold the petition paper three times away from you and visualise your way clear. Light the paper from the candle and allow to burn down safely.

Dispose in running water of if it is safe to do so, take the ashes and a coin down to a local crossroads and leave it in an out of the way place.

Full Moon in Scorpio

Sun Sign – Taurus
Element – Water
Colour – Deep Red, Burgundy
Insense – Basil, sage, sandalwood, thyme, nettle

Spell /Ritual Themes

  • Regeneration and renewal,
  • Divination and psychic development,
  • Banishing and purification,
  • Personal power and Success

Mars Talisman to Overcome

After undertaking a process of purification light a candle of deep red.

On virgin paper, in the hour of Mars, inscribe the sixth pentacle of Mars surrounded by the holy name, intelligence and spirit all in red ink.

Pass paper through incense of frankincense or myrrh reciting the Orphic Hymn to Mars.

Place herbs within the centre of the paper and whilst reciting the Bible verse appropriate to the pentacle fold the corners of the paper inward and secure with wax, preferably the same colour as that of the ritual candle.

Carry on the person.

Alternatively, at the same time consecrate a jewellery talisman. Given that the metal of Mars is iron it may be more appropriate to select jewellery with a stone associated with Mars, or at least of an appropriate hue if using modern materials. Inscribe using sharp point or indelible marker and repeat the process of purification and consecration.

In this instance place the paper talisman within a small jewellery box, large enough to accept the jewellery. Store pentacle and jewellery in the box for at least one night, three nights are better, and then overnight after any time wearing it thereafter.

Replace and reconsecrate the talisman/s during the next full moon in Scorpio, or at another time auspicious to the planet Mars as you feel is necessary.

Some Information

The Sixth Pentacle of Mars

65 Adonai אֲדֹנָי
325 Graphiel גראפיאל
326 Barzabel ברצבאל

Psalm 37:15 Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.

Some suggested herbs include – allspice, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, mugwort




Orphic Hymn to Mars / Ares

The Fumigation from Frankincense.

Magnanimous, unconquered, boisterous Mars, in darts rejoicing, and in bloody wars
Fierce and untamed, whose mighty power can make the strongest walls from their foundations shake:
Mortal destroying king, defiled with gore, pleased with war’s dreadful and tumultuous roar:
Thee, human blood, and swords, and spears delight, and the dire ruin of mad savage fight.
Stay, furious contests, and avenging strife, whose works with woe, embitter human life;
To lovely Venus [Kypris], and to Bacchus [Lyaios] yield, to Ceres [Deo] give the weapons of the field;
Encourage peace, to gentle works inclin’d, and give abundance, with benignant mind.

Full Moon in Libra

This full moon is an ideal time for spells to promote friendship and working with others. If there has been a rift with family or friends, healing spells are appropriate. The sun sign Libra is represented by a set of scales, so rituals to increase balance in your life and in your partnerships are also suitable.

Sun Sign – Aries

Element – Air
Colours – Pink, pale green, light blue.
Incense – Rose, thyme, lavender, mint, benzoin, bergamot

Spell / Ritual Themes

  • Harmony
  • Friendships
  • Partnerships
  • Team Building
  • Relationships/ Romance

Crystal Grid to Promote Harmony in the Home

I’ve been reading and experimenting with crystal girds in the last few months and decided to create one for promoting harmony within the home making sure to including my favourite stone, Labradorite. All the stones were shock cleansed in water, charged under the Libra full moon and then the grid set with the following intentions;

Master Stone – Rose Quartz

“Our hearts are healed and we are filled with love.”

Intention Stones – 12 small tumbled Labradorite

“We find joy in the calm of our day to day lives.”

Quartz Points – 6 in total


The Coven of the Coal Tit and Canary

The Coven of the Coal Tit and Canary is a lineaged Gardnerian Wiccan Coven in Castleford , West Yorkshire

The Coven of the Laughing Magpie

A Gardnerian line training group and coven in the heart of West Yorkshire

Adventures of A Mage In Miami

A blog dedicated to the weird little adventures of a Cuban Magician living in Miami, Florida as well as my work doing consultations


Reflections Concerning Art, Nature, and the Affairs of Humankind (also some gardening anecdotes)

Will Pooley


Mumma Troll’s Patch

Finding magic in life

Seven Metals Tarot

Divinitory readings

Dr. Hugh Fox III

Asian Union Futurist


The true roots of Europe

The Delightful Mrs P

Myth, Magic and the Mundane...Purveyor of the Art of Cartomancy, Breaker of Hearts, Occasional Dollymop, and Fortune Teller to the Nefarious and Disreputable

Valarie Wright

§cholar & §eer . Åuthor & Årtist . §ophis & §eiðu


The Former Home of South Leeds Archaeology

Syncretic Mystic

applications open for a new tagline

Vigdisdotter's Mystical Musings

AKA Erin's Blog: All are welcome, sanity is optional