30 Days of Devotion to Lilith – Part 2

Welcome to the second, and somewhat overdue,installment of my 30 Days of Devotion to Lilith.

11) Festivals, days, and times sacred to this deity
Lilith, to my knowledge, does not have any specific festival days which I can relate to you although there are life events and special timings which are sacred to her.

In the Jewish religion Lilith’s name and image would be bound and the names of the four angels from the Alphabet of ben Sirach would be involved immediately before and for a number of days after the birth. Invocations and religious verse would be inscribed on pottery along with images in order to protect the household from the influence of Lilith.

In modern practice there are times in the lunar calendar which are appropriate for devotion to Lilith.

Dark Moon – the time of the Shadow-self, the point at which the old moon dies and the new one is reborn. This point of the moon cycle the Moon receives no light from the Sun and it possible to contemplate the hidden mysteries of darkness and of Lilith herself.

Lunar Apogee – if you are up on your astrology you will be aware that there are three astrological Liliths. One is the Asteroid 1181, the second is a theoretical second natural earth satellite (moon) referred to as Lilith, and the third is the event of the lunar apogee, when the moon is at its furthest point away from the sun. If you are really up on your astrology and you know when apogee’s are occurring then honouring Lilith at this time would be quite appropriate.

To work out where Asteroid 1181 Lilith (or any asteroid for that matter) appears in your natal birth chart Astro-Diens has a selection of extended charts which you can include any number of asteroid positions. For a detailed look at astrological Lilith M. Kelley Hunter’s book Living Lilith is an indispensable guide.

12) Places associated with this deity and their worship
I don’t have a particular place where I know or consider sacred to her, I always worshiped her in my home. That said, areas of desolation and decay where little to nothing ‘useful’ can grow are places that I associate with her. This could be the endless desert or abandoned urban areas. Places where life is harsh and fleeting or has fled for good. This to me is where Lilith thrives, carving a place out for herself and her children.

13) What modern cultural issues are closest to this deity’s heart?
Feminism is obviously the first thing that springs to mind, thanks to the biblical portrayal she has become an effective poster girl of the movement to the extent of having a Jewish feminist magazine named after Her. That said I think there is something to be said for her in relation to parenting. She has an interest in children and sometimes it can be in a positive way. Lilith would be my second go to goddess if I wanted to protect either of my children, after Hekate of course. In my opinion, she’s the kind of Goddess that will probably deal some serious damage to the offending danger so we’re talking the big guns here. Wow betide anyone who does harm to my kids with Hekate and Lilith on their sides.

14) Has worship of this deity changed in modern times?
The fact that she is worshiped in any way is a massive change from historical periods. Lilith was something to be feared, something other which wasn’t quite included into ancient mythologies in a wholly positive manner. She is still feared, and often misunderstood, but increasingly there is a movement to explore the shadow side of womanhood and feminine power in which Lilith plays her part.

15) Any mundane practices that are associated with this deity?
Good question, as mentioned the enjoyment of energy, sexual/pleasurable, is something that can be dedicated to Lilith. What that pleasurable act is I suppose is up to you…

16) How do you think this deity represents the values of their pantheon and cultural origins?
If Eve was bad, Lilith (according to the ancient Jewish scholars) is worse. Lilith represents the fear of overt sexuality, and overt references to sex outside of marriage, something of major concern to the early Jewish peoples and Christianity. She also represents the rejection of the patriarchal social order and a darker kind of female empowerment which, again, are against the grain in early Jewish and Christian societies. Ultimately she represents fear of the darkness and of the unknown. She is the creature that haunts the night and draws out all of the shadow side qualities of the human psyche. In her historical setting all of these were considered bad things, things to be warded against and feared. In the modern context there is much more of a willingness to explore these elements of our psyche.

17) How does this deity relate to other gods and other pantheons?
Lilith fits into two sets of mythology, the Jewish and the Babylonian/Sumerian. She is, in relative terms a minority figure but as anyone who encounters her will know this is not as a detriment to her power and presence. Even in these mythologies she is an outsider, just over the edge of what is permissible so it’s probably fair to say that she doesn’t play well with others.

18) How does this deity stand in terms of gender and sexuality? (historical and/or UPG)
Lilith was, and is, the Night Hag. That’s not a description of her but of night time occurrences that she was associated with in history. She was thought to draw out night time emissions, or wet dreams to you and me, of the single males (ie unmarried and living in a house without women) she encountered. Where someone experienced sleep paralysis, which is often accompanied by a sense of malevolent presence if not a human form seen only by the sleeper, they believed that they were being attacked by the Night Hag. Where the ‘victim’ is male it is always Lilith or one of her daughter succubi making the attack. She is a danger to men, and is not only highly sexualised and apparently lustful in her pursuit of unwilling lovers and offspring but is vicious in attack. Small wonder she became the embodiment of all things men should fear in a woman in ancient patriarchal societies.

On the flip side she has become a strong tool for the feminist cause, and often her actions in the Alphabet of ben Sirach are cited as being a strong stance to women’s rights. I think that has a tendency to be overemphasised to the point of exclusion. Certainly she represents the shadow side of femininity, that part of the feminine self which kicks back at authority and embraces all those things society says that we shouldn’t, but that ignores other elements in her mythology where she retreats before greater powers. Personally I see her as embodying a balance between rejecting conformity and patriarchy but also respecting a higher power. For example in the quaternion marriage when the heavenly Shekina leaves the side of God to teach mortals on Earth it is Lilith, her opposite and wife of Samael, that replaces her at God’s side. Whilst she may have rejected God and his works to become partnered with Samael she is neither unable or unwilling to re-join him in order to rule over Heaven and maintain the balance of the quaternion marriage. Above all things she defines her own place within the cosmos on her terms.

19) What quality or qualities of this god do you most admire? What quality or qualities of them do you find the most troubling?
Strength of will cuts both ways. It’s a wonderful trait to have, especially in male dominated societies, however it can be damaging to any cause if used unwisely. In myth Lilith has a strong sense of self-worth and her place in the world, and in both the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Alphabet of ben Sirach She knows when she can use the force of her own will to carve her own destiny and when she must use it to either negotiate or give way with grace. By fleeing before Gilgamesh she shows a sense of self preservation, by turning away from the names of the four archangels in the Alphabet she shows that she knows when to give ground and preserve the power she has gathered to her. She is a feminist but not to the extent that she will risk her own personal kingdom by remaining stubborn and intransigent, damaging her own cause. This is why it is important to balance the strength of ones will and force of personality with thought out action, and this is one of the lessons that I have found in working with Lilith.

20) Art that reminds you of this deity

Three Harpies by Pan Fine Art

I’ve been saving this for ages. I love this image as it shows Lilith as not only her most feared form but her maternal side as well. This artwork can be found at Pan Fine Art

I was editing this post a couple of  nights ago when my daughter Lilith wandered into my room and announced she’d had a ‘night storm’. For those who don’t know a night storm is slang for a wet dream, although I don’t think my preschoolers was trying to communicate that. She’d had a nightmare about tigers and had chosen that phrase to express it. Synchronosity is a wonderful thing.


More from the Tools of the Trade series today, a tool often hotly debated in forums and groups, the poppet. The reason that they cause such a stir is that they are often viewed as having a single purpose and use, that to harm. I have already touched on the issues of hexes in my earlier post To Hex and to Heal which I would encourage you to read. Needless to say that this is a limited view of the poppet in sympathetic magic so let’s broaden our horizons.

African Voodoo Doll

What is a Poppets?
Poppet are an expression of sympathetic magic, where an object comes to represent something or someone through association and intent. In sympathetic magic related to poppets the object should contain something ‘of’ the target, a personal identify of their being and existence. It could be a lock of hair, nail clippings or something even more personal it doesn’t really matter so long as you are able to obtain it and are willing to handle it. This item is incorporated into the poppet and is the element that ties it to a specific individual. Through this object and the process of naming the poppet will become an effective tool and representation of the person you are casting your spell upon. The can be constructed from a multitude of materials ranging from wood and clay to fabric and plant fibers. The material often reflects the purpose of the poppet, or the intended outcome.

But why would you choose to use a poppet? There are many reasons including healing rituals as well as the supposedly darker aspects of love rituals and curses.

Usually the first thing most people think about when you mention poppet is voodoo dolls and hexes. All the darkest aspects of magic and witchcraft that can be imagined are conjured to mind and as a result poppets are often shunned. We need to get over these Hollywood connections and misunderstanding of cultures not known to us. Poppets are a tool, they can be adapted into into nearly every tradition and path and put to use wherever this form of sympathetic magic is applicable.

So you aren’t comfortable with a hexing how about a binding spell? Wrapping your doll doll in binding cords is a parallel to writing their name on paper and performing the same operation. Bindings and hexing aren’t the only uses for poppets.

You don’t do love spells? How about cutting cords and ties after a relationship breakdown? Create two poppets, connect them with a red or silver thread and ritually sever the connection.

Poppets have a wide variety of uses, the key use being that they allow you to focus your intent upon a specific person. They can be used for spells of healing and protection as well as for love spells, both to create and break bonds and attractions.

The possible uses are only limited by our individual moral standards. Some people would feel that sympathetic magic of this nature wholly subverts the will of the target however I would point out that depends entirely on the situation.

The Louvre Doll

If you have been asked to perform a healing spell, and you have taken the time to explain and plan the process then clearly you are not impinging on someone’s free will. Equally if you end a relationship with someone and decide to use poppets to ensure that your ties are severed you are well within your rights to do so. The other party knows the relationship is over, so long as you don’t expand the ritual beyond your own comfort zone you are not in conflict with the known situation.

On the other hand some people will view a binding ritual as having so much benifit for the people around, even the subject themselves, that they will have no qualms about performing a ritual to ensure no further harm occurs.

Making Your Poppet
Commonly poppets are made out of fabric (the type is not important however colour and/or pattern should match the purpose of your poppet). There are a multitude of possible patters if your haberdashery skills are up to it, one I am particularly going to link to is this one.

My skills are really not up to snuff, or more accurately my pattern cutting isn’t. I lack the space and patience to be honest so it is to crochet I turn. Any doll pattern could be adapted to your needs. Hedge And Herbs Hedge and Herbs recommends this pattern in particular.

I like the pattern buy personally I think the pattern too complex for the purpose. Each to their own but I prefer something smaller, which is easier to store away and doesn’t take up too much time or cost too much in terms of materials.

Miniature Voodoo Doll by Paintit13lacl

Personally I crochet my poppets. Making the poppet yourself is useful as it allows you to stitch the intent into the very fabric of the tool. It gives the poppet a greater connection to your purpose and intent that purchasing poppets.

After you have your poppet prepared and read for ritual you need to think about what you want to include in your poppet. In addition to the sympathetic element of the poppet you might want to include herbs, crystals and other items relevant to your purpose as well as additional stuffing. Anything you choose to include as filling to your poppet should serve to strengthen your intent so research your correspondences and limit yourself to dry elements.

Once you have everything in place you can begin the process of naming your poppet and performing your individual ritual.  There are many different poppet rituals, or rituals which can be adapted to your purpose and poppet work. I recommend searching the world wide web and any books at your disposal. What I will dwell upon finally is the importance of ‘naming’ your poppet and one method I like to use.

Naming Your Poppet
Sympathetic magic is all well and good but it is necessary to establish a bond between the poppet and its human counterpart magically as well as through the sympathetic element. A naming ritual in which you endow the poppet with a name in they eyes of your gods.

What follows is a variation of a naming ritual for poppets that I like to use. After the poppet has been named your spell/ritual can continue as you planned it.

Simple Naming Ritual
To form a bond between the person and the doll.

‘Little one, I have made you and now I give you life
I name you (persons name)
Of shared body, of shared breath
United by passion, united by blood
Once you were separate but now you are one
Little one, (persons name) now you are living
By my will and the will of the Gods
So mote it be.’

African Voodoo Doll
The Louvre Doll
Miniature Voodoo Doll by Paintit13lacl


More from the Tools of the Trade series today, a tool often hotly debated in forums and groups, the poppet. The reason that they cause such a stir is that they are often viewed as having a single purpose and use, that to harm. I have already touched on the issues of hexes in my earlier post To Hex or Heal which I would encourage you to read. Needless to say that this is a limited view of the poppet in sympathetic magic so let’s broaden our horizons.

African Voodoo Doll

What is a Poppets?
Poppet are an expression of sympathetic magic, where an object comes to represent something or someone through association and intent. In sympathetic magic related to poppets the object should contain something ‘of’ the target, a personal identify of their being and existence. It could be a lock of hair, nail clippings or something even more personal it doesn’t really matter so long as you are able to obtain it and are willing to handle it. This item is incorporated into the poppet and is the element that ties it to a specific individual. Through this object and the process of naming the poppet will become an effective tool and representation of the person you are casting your spell upon. The can be constructed from a multitude of materials ranging from wood and clay to fabric and plant fibers. The material often reflects the purpose of the poppet, or the intended outcome.

But why would you choose to use a poppet? There are many reasons including healing rituals as well as the supposedly darker aspects of love rituals and curses.

Usually the first thing most people think about when you mention poppet is voodoo dolls and hexes. All the darkest aspects of magic and witchcraft that can be imagined are conjured to mind and as a result poppets are often shunned. We need to get over these Hollywood connections and misunderstanding of cultures not known to us. Poppets are a tool, they can be adapted into into nearly every tradition and path and put to use wherever this form of sympathetic magic is applicable.

So you aren’t comfortable with a hexing how about a binding spell? Wrapping your doll doll in binding cords is a parallel to writing their name on paper and performing the same operation. Bindings and hexing aren’t the only uses for poppets.

You don’t do love spells? How about cutting cords and ties after a relationship breakdown? Create two poppets, connect them with a red or silver thread and ritually sever the connection.

Poppets have a wide variety of uses, the key use being that they allow you to focus your intent upon a specific person. They can be used for spells of healing and protection as well as for love spells, both to create and break bonds and attractions.

The possible uses are only limited by our individual moral standards. Some people would feel that sympathetic magic of this nature wholly subverts the will of the target however I would point out that depends entirely on the situation.

The Louvre Doll

If you have been asked to perform a healing spell, and you have taken the time to explain and plan the process then clearly you are not impinging on someone’s free will. Equally if you end a relationship with someone and decide to use poppets to ensure that your ties are severed you are well within your rights to do so. The other party knows the relationship is over, so long as you don’t expand the ritual beyond your own comfort zone you are not in conflict with the known situation.

On the other hand some people will view a binding ritual as having so much benifit for the people around, even the subject themselves, that they will have no qualms about performing a ritual to ensure no further harm occurs.

Making Your Poppet
Commonly poppets are made out of fabric (the type is not important however colour and/or pattern should match the purpose of your poppet). There are a multitude of possible patters if your haberdashery skills are up to it, one I am particularly going to link to is this one.

My skills are really not up to snuff, or more accurately my pattern cutting isn’t. I lack the space and patience to be honest so it is to crochet I turn. Any doll pattern could be adapted to your needs. Hedge And Herbs Hedge and Herbs recommends this pattern in particular.

I like the pattern buy personally I think the pattern too complex for the purpose. Each to their own but I prefer something smaller, which is easier to store away and doesn’t take up too much time or cost too much in terms of materials.

Miniature Voodoo Doll by Paintit13lacl

Personally I crochet my poppets. Making the poppet yourself is useful as it allows you to stitch the intent into the very fabric of the tool. It gives the poppet a greater connection to your purpose and intent that purchasing poppets.

After you have your poppet prepared and read for ritual you need to think about what you want to include in your poppet. In addition to the sympathetic element of the poppet you might want to include herbs, crystals and other items relevant to your purpose as well as additional stuffing. Anything you choose to include as filling to your poppet should serve to strengthen your intent so research your correspondences and limit yourself to dry elements.

Once you have everything in place you can begin the process of naming your poppet and performing your individual ritual.  There are many different poppet rituals, or rituals which can be adapted to your purpose and poppet work. I recommend searching the world wide web and any books at your disposal. What I will dwell upon finally is the importance of ‘naming’ your poppet and one method I like to use.

Naming Your Poppet
Sympathetic magic is all well and good but it is necessary to establish a bond between the poppet and its human counterpart magically as well as through the sympathetic element. A naming ritual in which you endow the poppet with a name in they eyes of your gods.

What follows is a variation of a naming ritual for poppets that I like to use. After the poppet has been named your spell/ritual can continue as you planned it.

Simple Naming Ritual
To form a bond between the person and the doll.

‘Little one, I have made you and now I give you life
I name you (persons name)
Of shared body, of shared breath
United by passion, united by blood
Once you were separate but now you are one
Little one, (persons name) now you are living
By my will and the will of the Gods
So mote it be.’

African Voodoo Doll
The Louvre Doll
Miniature Voodoo Doll by Paintit13lacl

Poppet – Crochet Pattern

To accompany my upcoming post on Poppets I have written up my Crochet Poppet Pattern and posted for peoples reference.

As with all my patterns they are free to use and you can do with the finished product as you will. That said please do not reproduce the pattern and the contents of the post with out crediting me and you can not sell on the pattern for personal profit.

Now that is out of the way onto the pattern and a quick note on stitching intent into your poppet.

By its nature a poppet is a tool of sympathetic magic and as you create it you should focus on that individual with regards your ritual purpose. If you are performing a healing rituals think of their ailment and its improvement; if it is a binding ritual or even a curse concentrate on how they and the situation they creates makes you feel.

As you work the pattern pour those thoughts and feelings into the stitches you work, binding your intent into the very fabric of your poppet.

Simple Poppet Pattern

You will need
Scraps of DK yarn as appropriate
Head – Colour to match the subject
Body – Colour to match the subject
Hair – Colour to match the subject
Embroidery thread – to match the subjects eye colours and red for the lips.
A 3.5 mm hook (your stiches need to be tight for stuffing so use a hook to match your tension)

Make a Magic Circle
Rd 1: 8 sc in loop, pull the loop closed and join with a slip stitch (8 stiches)
Rd 2: 2 sc in each sc and join (16 stiches)
Rd 3 – to desired length: sc in each sc around and close each round with a slip stitch.

You can make this as long or short as you prefer, around 15 rounds will probabl


y be sufficient but keep in mind what you are planning to include needs to fit. I suggest starting with your ‘Head’ colour and changing to ‘Body’ colour after 7 rounds to make a little ‘head’ for your poppet.

Once everything is to the desired length fasten off but leave a long enough tail to sew the bottom edge closed. Now it is time to personalise it a little.

Take 2-4 strands of yarn which matches the colour of your subject and fold t


hem in half. Attach them to the poppet by inserting your hook from front to back at the top of your work and draw the hair yarn partially through and pull the ends through the loop created. Add as much or as little as you like and trip to the appropriate length. You can fluff up the hair by separating out the strands. Don’t go overboard but remember you are attempting to achieve a likeness.

Now you can embroider eyes and a mouth, remembering to use an eye colour that matches the subject.

Now your poppet is ready for your ritual, just remember to include a tapestry needle amongst your ritual items in order to sew the poppet closed after filling.

Hekate’s Prayer Ladder

Following on from my Three Times She Cried post from last week I am sharing the prayer I wrote to be used in conjunction with the Heketean Prayer Ladder She inspired me to create.


When I came to design my prayer ladder/pendulum I want to make it a journey through all that is Hekate. I needed to feel a balance in its construction, acknowledging that she has many guises and roles as well as taking the user through a metaphorical journey through Her three realms.

After some thought and consideration I came up with a flowing set of epithets which would fit around the keys and plans I already had as well as what colour and style beads I should use. For example I used gold banded beads to highlight the Orphic connections of the epithets they are associated with, and then matched colour with broad perception of the other epithets.

The pattern and progressive journey soon emerged from the fog and the Words soon emerged.

The end result is a journey from Heaven to Underworld, or from Underworld to Heaven depending on the order used. The prayer could form the basis of a meditative journey as well as a structured devotion to the Goddess.

I honour 11 different epithets through the prayer. That’s nine plus one assigned to each of the ‘charms’ at either end of the ladder. For more detail on the meaning of each epithet I recommend visiting Singing for Her as the go to reference for Heketean epithets . The epithets honoured are as follows;

Anassa Eneroi

Blessed Kleidoukhos Keeper of the Keys
I invoke you
Opener of Ways and Keeper of Knowledge
Guide me in understanding.
To you, Divine Mistress, I open my heart and my mind.

Heavenly Queen, who looks down on us from the starry skies;
You are our saviour, our guide to the stars.
The brightest light, your sacred flame burns;
It is you who draws us onwards.
From Heaven to Ocean and to the Earth below;
At the portal you greet us
And lead us through our darkest hour.
Gather our spirits to your coterie;
Earthly Queen, who guards the hidden knowledge.

Anassa Eneroi Mistress of the Dead
I name you
Dread Queen of Crackling Flames
Calling me to your Mysteries
To you, Infernal Goddess, I give honour and Praise.

As I mentioned earlier this ladder can be used in either direction. Below is the revered order of the Prayer rather than making you rationalise it all out yourself.

Anassa Eneroi Mistress of the Dead
I name you
Dread Queen of Crackling Flames
Calling me to your Mysteries
To you, Infernal Goddess, I give honour and

Earthly Queen, who guards the Hidden Knowledge;
Gather our spirits to your coterie
And lead us through our darkest hour.
At the portal you greet us;
From Earth to Ocean and to the Heavens above
It is you who draws us onwards.
The brightest light, your sacred flame burns;
You are our saviour, our guide to the stars;
Heavenly Queen, who looks down on us from the starry skies.

Blessed Kelidoukhos, Keeper of the Keys
I invoke you
Opener of Ways and Keeper of Knowledge
Guide me in understanding
To you, Divine Mistress, I open my heart and my mind

I intended for my prayer ladder to double up as a pendulum and have done so to interesting effect. I’m looking forward to building a stronger relationship with this tool of the craft. Keep an eye on my Tools of the Trade post on Pendulums in the near future.

Three Times She Cried

It’s been a busy week. in addition to the normal routine there have been extra trips to school as we get read for the youngest starting in September and trips out to Halifax.

This was the week that I gave a tall at Halifax Moot, hosted by the Friendly Dragon. I’ve been attending the moot since the turn of the year so I rolled up blithely expecting there would only be 6 or so attending to find 15 had turned out to hear me talk.

Nervous much!

As I’d not given a talk in nearly 10 years regardless of how well I had prepared it was all blown out of the water. I didn’t even have enough hand outs!

Despite that I felt it went well, and that has been reinforced by all tge kind words on the night and since. It was lovely to find out that I had inspired by what I had to say and it reinforced that I didn’t entirely just spout uninteresting waffle at the listeners.

A big thank you to everyone who attended!

In my talk I attempted to give an overview of Hekate in terms of her historical origins and worship, her image past and present and some insight into modern devotions and interpretations. As well as the dry boring stuff I shared a few personal experiences including a recent one.

Three times cried the bird, Her eerie voice calling me.
I hear, I see, I Know.

Leeds has a thriving population of Red Kites. After being persecuted to the point of extinction there are hundreds that make the city and surrounding lands their home. Seacroft is a particularly favourite place for them it seems and I have seen upwards of 10 wheeling in the skies above my house (okay I am not that special, I just have the ability to look out not only across the area but across the entire city from my house so I get a good view).

Each year the number increase and across the county the Red Kite population is flourishing.


I see Red Kites on almost a daily basis and often ignore their presence despite knowing them to be my spirit guide and in my own gnosis a messenger of Hekate. Most times an encounter is just a crossing of paths with no meaning. Other times they are a strong and powerful message.

Not too long ago I had an encounter that can only have been a message from the divine.

When I left work one day I opened the door to find a lone Kite hovering unusually low over the main road directly in front of the building. Not thinking too much about it I silently saluted the bird as I often do and carried on my way. When I was nearing home I realised that was another flying very low over my house. Usually they soar high as there are a number of high rise flats im the area but this bird was low enough to make out their mottled underwing. I approached my front door and looked up to see one had positioned itself directly over head.

The blood froze in my veins the first time it cried.

Up to then I have never heard, or identified hearing, the cry of a red kite but there is nothing else it could have been. The bird was so low I could make out the detail of its beak moving even as it skimmed the guttering on my two story semi.

I paused and waiting, and sure enough a second cry came. After the third call She wheeled away, Her message delivered.

At that point not only was I clear that I had experienced a powerful moment with my Goddess but I was clear on what She required of me.

I had been putting off a devotional project for some time, mainly because I had been waiting for the delivery of some antique keys. To be honest I had almost giving up hope on arriving in time for the approaching full moon given I’d already missed two. This encounter inspired me to get out my wheel and fibre and spin the necessary single for the project. The next day the Key’s arrived.


I’ve not rested on my laurels and now I have five key and cord prayer beads and pendulums as well as a meditation/prayer to accompany it.

When she reaches out to you to inspire or command (though often these are the same thing) she can neither be doubted or questioned. You will do as she as commanded and if that results in three or four posts on the subject then so be it!

Look out for my Tools of the Trade post on Pendulums and Hekate’s Prayer Ladder, both of which arose from this encounter. They should follow in the next few days.

Image Credits
Red Kite
Hekate’sPrayer Ladder  – © Vicky Newton

I Want to be a Tree

I completed my degree at the university site which mainly catered for people pursuing degrees in the Arts, both graphic and dramatic and my first real encounter with the drama students was of a cohort out on the field exploring what it was to “be a tree” through interpretive movement/dance. I was reminded of this recently when my youngest went out into the garden and I was surprised to find her stood (still!) in the corner, her arms in the air. When I asked her what she was doing she said “I’m being the tree” (the neighbour has cut down a large and intrusive conifer down recently so I assume that is ‘the tree’ in question). As you do, I asked her what it was to be a tree her response was “tall, up and down”. 

This got me thinking about the ways that trees are used in spiritual practices and within Paganism in a general sense. Many witches will use roots, shoots and fruits of various trees as spell components, drawing on the associations of the tree in question to bring those qualities to the spell being worked. Similarly there are divination systems, such as the Ogham, which draws on trees as a source of wisdom as well as the basis of a calendar system.

The most common use of trees is in the process of earthing by communicating with a given tree in person or as a way of grounding yourself before or after a visualisation. The Tree can also form a meditation in itself and it is this aspect and it is this that I am going to explore today.

Using trees as a focus for visualisation is perhaps the most common way of using the image of the tree in spiritual practices. One of the first meditations I learnt for the purpose of preparing the mind for meditation or magical works is to ground oneself through the roots of the tree. These meditations focus on the root systems of the tree., promoting a sense of stability as well as a sense spiritual nourishment and empowerment. For those new to meditation it is a short visualisation, ideally no more than 5 minutes, which allows the individual to develop their meditation techniques. On the other hand it is a simple addition to the meditative journey which allows the user to prepare themselves mentally for a deeper journey, whilst at the same time grounding 

There are many variations of the tree meditation but below is my variation.

Assume a comfortable position, ideally sitting or standing, and close your eyes. Take three cleansing breaths, relaxing your body with each breath.

Imagine that you are growing roots from the sole of your feet and that they are extending deep into the ground.

They travel deeper and deeper through the rich brown earth until you reach a cavern with a lake of crystal pure water. The roots extend around the cavern anchoring you in the earth and forming a sense of stability in you whilst some roots reach out and dip into the water.

Feel the water nourishing your roots and see it travel up through the root system as a bright white light which fills your body.

You are firmly supported by the deep earth and nourished as the pure light fills you. There is a sense of being relaxed and at one with the earth.

Allow this energy to flow through you for a few minutes before visualising the roots pulling out of the water. The energy is no longer flowing but it still fills your body and with a sense of balance and wellbeing.

Now visualise the roots pulling back and through the earth to re-join your body, sealing in that sense of calm and warmth.

Become more aware of your surroundings and begin to open your eyes.

Tree Roots

Earthing seems to be the latest, greatest New Age gimmick of the moment with everything from custom earthing shoes and clothing to how to guides avalible to buy on the great world wide web. Earthing is hardly a new thing though. The concept of connecting with the Earth and our surroundings through direct contact has been around for a long time, as had the idea that our bodies have energy fields such as Chi Chi (or Qi) and Kundalini which can become affected and distorted by illness and life in general and maintained through healthy living, what we now call complementary medicine and connecting with nature.

The Doorway by Bladewing-Stock

Whether you are exploring Earthing as a way of getting back in touch with the natural rhythms of your body and nature at large, or for some spiritual or psychological benefit trees are a good way to achieve this especially when you consider the dreaded ‘elf and safety. 

Use common sense when practicing Earthing. You shouldn’t go barefoot in areas you are unfamiliar with, you have no idea what you are going to find underfoot. Even in areas you know are safe from poisonous plants or animals you should take care as you can never fully know who has been before you and what they may have left behind. Be sensible and wear shoes, and they don’t have to be special rubber soled whatsits to achieve communication with nature.

To a degree I am recommending tree hugging of the highest order. Trees themselves are connected with the earth and it is just as easy to stand, sensibly shod, with a hand against the bark of your chosen tree as you enter a meditative state and attune yourself to the movements of not other the tree but the earth that nourishes it. Sitting at the base of the tree (after careful ‘elf and safety checks) with back against the tree is another option, or if you can’t sit on the ground a backless chair is an option. Finally there is the opportunity to lie on the ground with your hands pressed palm down against the ground. The important thing is to take the time to enter a relaxed and meditative state, though not to enter any journey or visualisation per say, and connect with the signs and sounds of nature.

And finally we come to meditation. I’ve already outlined the grounding visualisation above but the image of the Tree can be used as a way of traversing the three realms of mythology, the Underworld, the Material World and the Heavenly Realms. 

Yggdrasil by Oluf Olufsen Bagge 1847

I am sure you are familiar with the image of the World Tree, the Yggdrasil. Traditionally Yggdrasil is depicted as am ash tree and in Norse tradition it unites the 9 realms of existence. Yaggdrasil is just one of a number of different examples of a tree or pole being used to represent the Axis Mundi the connection between the heaven and earth. Others include the Asherah pole Asherah Pole and Hekateion and each an everyone one of us carries a representation of the axis mundi in our bodies in the form of our spine. The Djed Djed of Egypt is thought to be a symbolic tree as well as representative of the Spine of Osiris.

Through the motif of the axis mundi in the form of the tree we are able to journey through meditation in a number of different ways. One way would be to extend the grounding visualisation that I have already described. As well as extending those deep and supportive tap roots we can visualise the crown of the tree reaching heavenwards and connecting with the sky, a second heavenly energy of golden light filling us from above.

Mighty Tree

In this way we become the axis mundi through the imagery of the tree and through it unite heaven and earth. You might do this to receive protection, healing or simply to balance yourself energetically or to make a connection with one realm or the other.

Tree Roots
The Doorway by Bladewing-Stock
Yggdrasil by Oluf Olufsen Bagge, 1847
Might Tree

Invocation for Hekate

Magick From Scratch

While I re-coup from way too much theology, please enjoy this poem I wrote about Hekate. 

To Heavenly, Night-Wandering Hekate I call
Mistress of the skies,
In whose black pocket lies
The fiery secret mysteries of stars

Goddess who guards the gates of the eyes and ears
Who gives consciousness to the dead
Or lays them down to spiritual slumber
Raise your fire brands high
Let wisdom’s light shine true

To Chthonian Hekate, I call
Mistress of Furies and Shades
Who knows the sleeping anguish of every soul
that walks upon the ground,
or lies below it

O Holy Goddess of the Midden
The lost, the forgotten, the cast-off are yours
Like the grave, you reject no one
And hidden in the deep bosom in the Earth
The seeds of equality:
Death comes to all.

To Hekate of the Sea, I call
There, even there, are your treasures found
Hidden Wisdom of Ages
Buried in the belly…

View original post 70 more words

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